Different Types of Asbestos

Understanding the Different Types of Asbestos and Their Health Risks

Understanding the Different Types of Asbestos and Their Health Risks

Asbestos was once believed to be a miracle material with incredible strength, durability, soundproofing and fire-resistant properties. Now, it is known for what it really is: an extremely hazardous substance responsible for tens of thousands of deaths worldwide. 

In broad terms, asbestos is the name for a group of six minerals that are naturally found in bundles of fibres in the environment. These fibres can be separated into long, thin threads and used for commercial or industrial purposes. 

These fibres accumulate over time. When structures containing asbestos are disturbed through damage, drilling or other activity, the fibres are released into the air. When inhaled, they can become trapped inside the lungs and remain there for years, leading to scarring, inflammation and serious—even lethal—health consequences. 

Perhaps the most frightening aspect of this reality is that health issues caused by asbestos exposure can take decades to develop. By the time symptoms are evident and a diagnosis is made, it is usually too late to mitigate the effects. 

Because of this, it is crucial to have your property tested for asbestos. At Consultex Labs, we provide professional asbestos services, including sampling, identification, and soil testing. If you think your property may contain asbestos, call now for our asbestos services and get preventative measures underway.    

What Was Asbestos Used For?

Historically, asbestos was lauded for its resistance to fire, heat and chemicals and inability to conduct electricity. This led to its use in everything from cigarette filters and salon hairdryers to make-up and talcum powders. It was also popular on film sets. The “snow” in that famous Wizard of Oz poppy field scene? Asbestos. According to some research, surgeons even use it to close incisions following a lung or heart operation. 

Most commonly, however, it was used in construction applications for homes and businesses, including roofing, drainage pipes, insulation boards, cement sheet cladding, sprayable wall surfaces, ceilings, floorings and textiles. After the health risks of asbestos exposure were discovered, the New Zealand government banned its importance in 1984 and phased out its use by 1897. Despite these actions, it is still present in a significant number of buildings and products created before 1990 – meaning testing is just as important now as it was then. 

Here are some other materials and products asbestos can be found in:

  • Spouting components
  • Vehicle brakes and clutches
  • Oven gloves
  • Fire blankets
  • Ironing board pads

Types of Asbestos

Asbestos has two mineral families: serpentine and amphibole. Within these families are six different types of asbestos, detailed below. 

Chrysotile Asbestos

The most commonly used form of asbestos, chrysotile, is a white, curly substance. It is found in cladding, plaster, roofing materials, insulation, drainage pipes, gaskets, boiler seals, ceiling panels, and more. It was also used in automotive parts such as brake linings.

Amosite Asbestos

Amosite is a brown fibre that was typically used for pipe insulation and in ceiling tiles, gaskets, and cement sheets.

Crocidolite Asbestos

A blue fibre, crocidolite, was frequently used in cigarette filters, construction, and steam engine insulation. It was also used in plastics, cement products and spray-on coatings.  

Anthophyllite Asbestos

Anthophyllite is a contaminant in chrysotile asbestos and is occasionally used in construction materials and insulation products.

Tremolite & Actinolite Asbestos

These two types of asbestos were not typically used commercially. However, they can be found as contaminants in chrysotile asbestos, specifically in materials such as cement, roof tiles, plumbing materials, and insulation. 

Asbestos-Related Health Risks

There are many health implications of asbestos exposure. Over time, asbestos fibres that have been inhaled and stuck in the lungs manifest into severe health conditions, including cancer. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, all types of asbestos are classified as known carcinogens. Below are some of the serious and fatal diseases caused by asbestos.

  • Lung Cancer

Lung cancer caused by asbestos appears visually the same as lung cancer caused by other factors, such as smoking. Of all asbestos-related diseases, lung cancer causes the most deaths, the Mesothelioma Centre states. It takes at least a decade for this type of cancer to develop after initial exposure. 

  • Pleural Thickening

Extensive asbestos exposure can lead to this condition, which is when the lining of the lung, known as the pleura, thickens and causes the lung to squeeze. Symptoms include ongoing chest pain and shortness of breath. 

  • Mesothelioma 

A cancer found in the pleura and the lining of the lower digestive tract, mesothelioma is closely linked with asbestos exposure. The risk of this cancer increases with the volume of exposure, and once diagnosed, it is nearly always lethal. 

  • Asbestosis

Prolonged exposure to asbestos can lead to extreme scarring of the lung, called asbestosis. This condition causes a gradual shortening of the breath, which can be fatal. 

Your Local Asbestos Experts

At Consultex Labs, we are experienced with all asbestos-related activities. Our qualified, experienced surveyors and lab technicians execute their work with the utmost precision and your safety in mind. You can trust us to swiftly sample and identify contaminants in your residential or commercial property and supply a professional management plan recommendation. 

If you are concerned that asbestos may be present in your home or workplace, contact us today for asbestos services and solutions.

Regular Asbestos Testing

Top Reasons Why Regular Asbestos Testing is Essential for Your Auckland Property

Top Reasons Why Regular Asbestos Testing is Essential for Your Auckland Property

In recent years, society has become more aware of the dangers of asbestos. This group of six naturally occurring minerals with long, thin fibres is extremely versatile and hazardous to human health.

Prior to the 1990s, asbestos was frequently used in the construction industry. It is inexpensive and has a number of useful qualities, including impressive strength, a high tolerance against tension, and good sound absorption properties. It is also resistant to heat, fire and electricity. For these reasons, it was once in great demand and frequent use.

The downside? It can cause severe health issues and even has the potential to be lethal. According to Worksafe, asbestos is the single biggest cause of death from work-related diseases in New Zealand, with approximately 220 people dying each year. And even though it is no longer used in modern construction, it remains a problem. 

Due to the age and deterioration of many existing properties and the high volume of construction work being conducted, builders are still at risk today. 

I think I Have Asbestos On My Property – What Now?

Do you think your property may contain asbestos? Could your residential or commercial building, or the grounds on which they sit, contain this harmful substance? You should consider building and soil testing immediately if you have any concerns. 

It’s important to approach potential asbestos exposure with caution. However, try not to panic—Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) are only dangerous if their integrity is compromised, for example, when a building is damaged. 

But while you may not be in immediate danger, it is vital you have your property tested to prevent the possibility of future incidents when damage inevitably occurs. In other words, testing for asbestos and removing it is the only way to ensure you, your employees, and visitors to your home or workplace can avoid exposure in years to come. 

Choosing Asbestos Experts

The first step in the asbestos testing process is to find a trusted company to perform the job. As this is a high-risk activity, it is crucial that you hire trained professionals who know what they are doing. Asbestos surveyors must have sufficient qualifications to adequately and safely sample and identify asbestos. However, you also want someone with a deep knowledge of the industry and enough experience to give you confidence in their work. 

At Consultex Lab, we pride ourselves on our skill and attention to detail. We follow stringent safety measures and use a quality management system to ensure all jobs are executed to the highest standards. You can trust our trained surveyors and IANZ-accredited lab technicians to deliver a swift, thorough service with same-day results possible. Don’t put your health and the health of those you love at risk. Get the answers you need now.

What Does Asbestos Testing Involve?

When we perform building or soil testing, we inspect your site and identify any potential ACM that might be disturbed by renovations or construction work. Our team then carefully collects physical samples and transports them to one of our many laboratories for bulk analysis. This process is the best way to determine whether or not asbestos is present rapidly. 

Our dedicated lab technicians use a technique called Polarized Light Microscopy to test the samples and identify the volume and type of asbestos present. After this, we will complete a detailed, personalised report with our advice for asbestos management. This could include recommendations such as on-site asbestos measuring, the use of PPE, or professional surveillance. 

We conduct the following types of testing to cater to all your needs:  

  • Air testing
  • Soil testing 
  • Building materials testing (such as insulation or gib)
  • Surface testing
  • Dust testing

If you are looking for efficient, quality outcomes, look no further than Consultex Labs. 

Why Test For Asbestos Regularly? 

Even if you have had asbestos testing done in the past, it is a good idea to engage in regular testing for your safety. Regular monitoring gives you the best chance to catch asbestos and protect those occupying your property. We can perform quick, consistent tests to inspect your buildings, grounds, and air quality and ensure your environment contains minimal—or no—contaminants.   

If you are refurbishing, upgrading, or demolishing a building in New Zealand, you legally must have your site inspected. Local Asbestos Regulations state that all non-domestic buildings undergoing refurbishment or demolition must be surveyed, and if asbestos is found and likely to be disturbed during construction, it must be removed before the work commences.

Ensure Your Property Is Safe Today

Consultex Lab is the expert when it comes to asbestos testing in Auckland. We take care of all processes, from air sampling to a full analysis in the laboratory, to ensure you and your valued staff are safe at your place of work. 

We service the Auckland region and provide asbestos sampling and soil testing throughout Northland, Waikato, Nelson, and Dunedin. With extensive resources and a genuine passion for contributing to healthy workplaces, you can trust us to get the job done.

 Contact us to resolve your asbestos problems now. 


Showcasing Projects with Aerial Photography

Showcasing Projects with Aerial Photography

Whether it’s construction, real estate, urban planning, or environmental monitoring, one thing is true: a picture is worth a thousand words. Static images tend to fall short of truly capturing a project’s essence, coming at it from a single perspective. That’s where something like aerial photography and drone footage can make all the difference.

Aerial photography and videography is when a high-quality camera is attached to a drone. The drone is controlled by a skilled operator on the ground, allowing them to capture stills and video of any spot on your property. At Consultex, our team uses drone footage for a variety of applications. From aerial inspections for HAZMAT projects to artistic reels cataloguing the various stages of a construction project, there are so many ways to use this versatile tool.

In this blog post, we’re diving into some of the best ways you can use drone footage to showcase your project. Dig a little deeper and gain some inspiration from the team at Consultex.

Inspect Every Piece of Your Landscape

One of aerial photography’s biggest advantages is its ability to give you an uninterrupted view of every square metre of land. Our drones are equipped with high-resolution cameras to capture sweeping vistas and intricate details that might otherwise be missed.

The power of this angle is in its ability to see everything. From a real estate perspective, showcasing both the surrounding environment and the property itself is crucial. From a construction point of view, this is powerful for surveying a site before work begins to find any challenges that must first be overcome.

It comes down to accessibility. If a drone can get to the spot, you’ll be able to clearly see it without investing the time and energy it would otherwise take to scan the entire piece of land manually.

Tracking Your Project’s Progress

When it comes to construction and infrastructure development, it’s important that you can monitor your project’s progress. Usually, this involves time-consuming site visits, manual inspections, and missed details. But with drone footage, these large-scale inspections are a breeze.

Being able to see your project from a new angle, finding the ‘big picture’ as it were, enables you to catch things that you otherwise might have missed in your inspection. Help prevent your project from going over the deadline, keep everything looking seamless, and identify problems that need to be fixed quickly with the power of aerial photography.

Handle Aerial HAZMAT Inspections Effortlessly

HAZMAT incidents are dangerous by nature. They usually present as a chemical or biological contaminant that could present a threat to anyone who comes on-site. This makes these types of incidents very difficult (and even dangerous) to investigate thoroughly. A sub-par inspection is not an option, but sending inspectors into a potentially dangerous site with only PPE is not always possible.

That’s where aerial inspections for HAZMAT come in. Using drones, our team can capture footage of your project site before, during, or after an incident. This puts a safe distance between the inspector and the contaminant while still allowing us to get a good visual of what’s happening. The better we understand what’s happened, the better we can recommend the safest course of action.

Enhanced Marketing and Presentation

Finally, nothing says ‘polished’ like an aerial view of your project. Aerial drone footage is a powerful marketing tool applicable in a variety of industries. Whether you’re creating promotional videos for real estate listings or showcasing completed projects as part of a construction portfolio, drone footage is a dynamic way to call attention to the quality of the work.

While traditional photography can be effective, it simply can’t match the power of a bird’s-eye view. Looking to satisfy clients or stakeholders with your project’s progress? These immersive aerial views will do all that and more. Using this tool, you can effectively communicate your project’s scale, scope, and unique features to create a competitive edge.

At the end of the day, aerial photography and videography are all about elevating how you show off your project. From a bird’ s-eye view, your investors, shareholders, clients, and target audience will be captivated by the quality of what you’re creating. Whether you’re looking for a big-picture view of a site before beginning construction, inspecting a HAZMAT incident from the air, or creating marketing collateral, there are plenty of great ways to use drone footage.

The key? Get in touch with a team that makes capturing that footage a breeze. This is a powerful way to communicate value, but the results will only be as good as the person operating the drone. That’s why reaching out to a specialist is vital, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.

Truly elevate your project with Consultex.

Capture projects from a new perspective. Consultex uses drones to provide detailed footage of your property’s landscape, whether for aerial inspections or construction process videos.

Curious about aerial inspections for HAZMAT projects? Reach out to the experts at Consultex to get started. 


Crafting Effective Asbestos Management Plans: The Consultex Guide

Crafting Effective Asbestos Management Plans: The Consultex Guide

It’s vital to get things right when it comes to managing asbestos in your building. This hazardous material can seriously jeopardise the health of you and your employees, as well as that of any workers who need to do on-site renovations.

Asbestos management plans are staple workplace documents. According to the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016, workplaces must have at least one copy on hand at all times. But the big question is: How do you construct one?

At Consultex, asbestos management is our speciality. Read on to learn more about a workplace’s obligations regarding this cornerstone document and how the Consultex team drives the creation of one.

The Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016

In the past, asbestos was used all over New Zealand as a fire-resistant, lightweight building material. However, as soon as it was discovered that asbestos was dangerous to public health in the 1980s, the construction industry and the New Zealand government began to phase it out. Despite this, the unfortunate reality is that many buildings were constructed with either raw asbestos or asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

Nowadays, asbestos legislation is present and accounted for in nationwide health and safety policies. Every workplace is required, by New Zealand law, to prepare an asbestos management plan for all sites where work is taking place. This was laid out as part of the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations of 2016, obligating persons conducting business (PCBUs) to have these plans ready for their workplaces.

The Role of an Asbestos Management Plan

The question is, what role does an asbestos management plan actually play in keeping workplaces safe? In short, it’s a pre-emptive measure to root out the presence of any asbestos in a building, including in the soil. If asbestos is identified, the plan also lays out how it will be managed, which will vary according to the type, amount, and location.

One of the most important things a plan does is let incoming workers know what they need to be careful of. If there are areas in the business where asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are present, those areas should be carefully treated using professionally supported techniques to keep everyone safe. This might involve having monitoring systems in place or wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

These plans play a major role in providing recommendations and control measures from a team like Consultex, which specialises in asbestos removal.

What We Include in Our Asbestos Management Plans

Our role as asbestos management experts is to develop a comprehensive, tailored Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) for your site. It’s vital that we include as much accurate information as possible in the plan, using those insights as the foundation for removal or management recommendations.

When constructing AMPs for employers, we work with them to conduct an on-site survey. This includes an in-person consultation, a survey of your premises, and sampling or testing as recommended by our crew. Once done, we’ll assemble a detailed report with the following information:

  • Identification

Not only do we identify whether or not asbestos is present, but we also identify where it is on-site. Where applicable, we also identify quantities and types of asbestos to facilitate better management.

  • Management

We create recommendations for control measures around the identified asbestos, including safe work procedures.

  • Induction

A process to induct incoming contractors and workers into the condition of the building, including considerations for working around asbestos.

  • Emergency

Responding to emergencies appropriately is a major part of carrying out asbestos-related activities, so the AMP contains detailed emergency procedures. This includes allocating roles and responsibilities for workers in case exposure occurs.

  • Training and health monitoring

Managing asbestos is a long-term game, requiring ongoing training and health monitoring to ensure minimal exposure risk. The watchword here is consistency, which is why documenting these aspects is vital.

The most important thing when dealing with potential asbestos in your building is to be proactive. It can be easy to leave your site untested, unmanaged, and unplanned. However, it’s crucial to do your due diligence and meet your obligations under the regulations with something as insidious as asbestos.

After all, the long-term health effects of asbestos have a long latency period. In other words, it’s very difficult to track whether health issues have come from asbestos exposure or not.

Luckily, crafting this plan for your business doesn’t have to be a scary or difficult process. With experienced asbestos management professionals on your side, creating an asbestos management plan can be rewarding.

Grant yourself peace of mind by knowing you’re compliant with the law while keeping your workplace safe.

Stay safe and compliant with a professional asbestos management plan.

At Consultex, we provide businesses with the asbestos management plans they need to stay compliant and – most importantly – safe. From identifying asbestos materials present on-site to creating specific documentation for your process, we’re at your side every step of the way.

Get in touch with Consultex Environmental to begin creating your asbestos management plan.

Asbestos Removal

Efficient Asbestos Removal with Consultex

Efficient Asbestos Removal with Consultex

When it comes to asbestos removal in NZ, there are a lot of moving parts. Many New Zealand homes and premises used asbestos as part of their construction back in the 1970s and 1980s, meaning there are many modern buildings with this dangerous substance hidden in their structures. Asbestos generally isn’t used in its raw form; instead, it appears to be incorporated into different materials to make them fire-resistant. Which means it can be tough to spot without professional help.

In this blog post, we’ll be digging deeper into what professional asbestos removal services really are. We’ll walk through the asbestos removal process in stages, highlighting how hiring a professional team to facilitate your asbestos removal will save your time, stress levels, and the health of your crew.

Before Your Asbestos Removal

Before work begins, it’s vital to conduct a survey to understand where the asbestos is, what kind of it is, and which safety measures might be taken to contain it. Thanks to our history with this dangerous material, New Zealand boasts robust Health and Safety At Work Regulations pertaining to asbestos. All works that involve asbestos removal or remediation must align with these rules to ensure the safety of everyone involved and any future inhabitants of the building.

There are three key ways the Consultex team will help prior to beginning the removal of any asbestos:

  • Review of contractor’s Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCP). The ARCP includes details of how the asbestos removal will be carried out, including the contractor’s chosen method and the tools they will need, on top of necessary PPE. The Consultex team will review the plan to ensure it’s up to scratch and offer supplementary advice.
  • Conduct site liaison meetings with removal contractors. While we don’t handle the removal ourselves, our on-site team of experts will meet with your removal contractors to carefully analyse and mitigate hazards before work commences. This includes working with the contractors to make a plan if unexpected hazards arise.
  • Review of removal pricing and methodology. We will also weigh in on the contractor’s chosen methodology, as different Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) have different protocols for safe removal. On top of that, we’ll offer our insights on pricing to help you stay on budget.

During Your Asbestos Removal

The most dangerous part of this process is during asbestos removal when flakes of this harmful material can make their way into the air. Asbestos is fibrous and crystalline, even when incorporated into ACMs. If ACMs are disturbed and proper measures aren’t in place, this can result in the fibres ending up in the air.

From there, they can be inhaled into workers’ respiratory systems, leading to respiratory issues and potentially cancer from long-term exposure. With all this danger present, it’s important to have experts on-site who can help mitigate the risk while removal is happening. That’s where the Consultex team comes in.

We supervise the removal works, ensuring everyone present is properly protected and using appropriate removal methods for each given ACM. On top of that, we work with you to install equipment for asbestos air monitoring during the removal works.

By sampling the air, we’re able to test the condition of the on-site air for the presence of asbestos. We can count the fibres and determine the type of asbestos, allowing us to advise you on the most up-to-date information your crew needs to stay safe.

After Your Asbestos Removal

Even after the main ACMs are removed from a building or site, there is a potential that asbestos residue has been left behind. Demolitions and removals are destructive and disruptive, introducing the possibility that asbestos has flaked off into the environment while your workers are none-the-wiser.

To prevent that, once the asbestos and ACMs are safely off-site, our team will go in to do what we call a clearance inspection. In essence, this is a final survey of the area using all the asbestos testing tools at our disposal. We will determine, once and for all if the asbestos has been safely removed from the area.

This allows you to do further cleanup if there is asbestos residue left behind or make a plan if there is more asbestos than first estimated.

All samples collected by our team throughout the entire process are analysed by an IANZ-accredited laboratory that staffs an experienced team. The results we receive are carefully compiled into our management survey report, alongside a material assessment score and recommendations for ongoing management of the site and its contents.

In short, our goal is to ensure that you and your crew are safe every step of the way. Asbestos removal in NZ is a tough job, but it’s easier when you have all the information you need. With the team from Consultex at your right hand, you’ll never be flying blind again.

Contact Consultex for professional asbestos removal services.

Considering asbestos removal in NZ? Make your environment asbestos-free with confidence! Our team is on hand to help you with every step of the asbestos removal process.

Contact Consultex today and experience efficient asbestos removal backed by expertise and safety.

Asbestos and Hazardous Material

Guide to Protecting Against Welding Fumes

A Guide to Protecting Against Welding Fumes – From the Experts

Welding is a crucial process for industrial settings across the board, allowing teams to maintain structures, machinery, and various other components that might otherwise require disposal. It’s a specialised process that takes years to master, including safety aspects.

When sparks fly, there’s another kind of hazard that doesn’t always get the attention it should: the welding fumes. Airborne particles from welding pose a more than significant health risk to welders and anyone else on-site, but they often go unmanaged because they’re difficult to see or protect against.

At Consultex, we make it our job to protect against unseen hazards. That’s why we’ve created a simple guide to investigate the health risks of welding fumes. In this post, come with us as we explore the health risks of welding fumes and best practices for industrial welding. We’ll also explore welding fume extraction in NZ.

Keep yourself and your crew safe by being proactive with the tips from this guide. Ready to dive in? Then, let’s get started.

The Health Risks of Welding Fumes

The term ‘welding fumes’ is somewhat misleading because they aren’t just gaseous. Welding fumes are a blend of tiny particles and gases generated during the welding process. Like many unseen hazards, they don’t create any immediate effects. However, the effects of long-term unprotected exposure can lead to several serious health issues.

Some, but not all, of the health issues associated with inhaling welding fumes include:

  • Respiratory issues. Inhaling the tiny particles and gases can damage the lining of the lungs and your windpipe. In time, this can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Metallic fume fever. This is a more short-term symptom of welding with certain metals. Inhaling zinc oxide fumes from zinc-coated or galvanised materials can induce a condition called metal fume fever. Symptoms include fever, chills, nausea, and muscle aches (much like a severe flu).
  • Cancer risk. Hexavalent chromium and nickel are classified as carcinogens. When inhaled, these aspects of welding fumes can increase the risk of lung cancer and other respiratory cancers.

Best Practices for Welding in Industrial Environments

Before starting an industrial welding project, creating a protocol for doing it safely is vital. This is a big part of the work we do with industrial teams.

Much like creating a site safety plan, creating a plan to safely weld is essential. These protective measures are extremely important, so let’s take a moment to review them.


Adequate ventilation is crucial to disperse welding fumes, preventing them from building up in your workspace. Welding extraction hoods and fans are the perfect local exhaust ventilation systems, creating optimal airflow to draw damaging fumes away from the welder.

Protect Your Respiratory System

All welders and nearby workers should wear appropriate PPE to protect their respiratory systems. This can look like N95 respirators or powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) alongside standard PPE like protective clothing, gloves, and eyewear.

This is especially important in confined spaces.

Mitigate Danger in Confined Spaces

Speaking of which, it’s doubly important to be careful in confined spaces. In fact, it’s important to avoid welding in confined spaces whenever possible, as this can be twice as dangerous. If you have to weld in a confined space, ensure there is proper ventilation with on-site exhaust ventilation systems. It’s also best to conduct a thorough risk assessment before starting any work.

Testing and Welding Fume Extraction

Finally, the best way to supplement these careful safety protocols is to ensure they are working properly. Welding fume extraction allows us to capture the fumes as welding is happening, sampling the air via pumps and then testing the sample with electronic instrumentation.

We test for airborne contaminants as well as make a plan that incorporates the welding process used, the metals, gases, and fluxes. From there, we’ll recommend the next steps for managing any risk to the welders and the surrounding crew. Not only that, we’ll work with you to determine who else on-site is exposed and mitigate any health risks.

At the end of the day, the most important thing to do when welding is to make a thorough plan before beginning work. As with any job on an industrial scale, there are a lot of moving parts to consider. When in doubt, reach out to a team of experts.

It’s our job to be on-site with you, testing the materials in use, testing the air as welding occurs, and encouraging the proper use of PPE every step of the way.

Make sure you can weld safely with welding fume extraction in NZ.

At Consultex, we work with you to test the materials on-site to ensure that welding will be safe for you and your crew. We’ll also work with you to craft solutions for potentially unsafe welding environments, including welding fume extraction.

Invest in your health and safety. Contact Consultex today for personalised solutions for welding fume extraction in NZ that safeguard your workplace and your well-being. 

two men getting material sample for asbestos testing

Exploring the Facts About Asbestos Safety

Exploring the Facts About Asbestos Safety

Asbestos is a dangerous hazard and one that should be approached and removed with the utmost care. Since its discovery as a construction material decades ago, this fibrous material has made its way into homes, businesses, and industrial structures all across the world.

In New Zealand, our heritage sites and long-standing buildings all have the potential to be housing this dangerous material. When we encounter it, it’s vital to safely test, treat, and remove it as quickly as possible.

Despite its benign appearance, there is a lot more to asbestos than meets the eye. In this blog post, our aim is to increase asbestos awareness by reviewing asbestos safety regulations, hazards, and more. Jump in with the Consultex team for a primer on this insidious material.

Asbestos Awareness: The History of Asbestos in New Zealand

Asbestos use really took off during the Industrial Revolution when it was discovered that it was a fire-resistant building material and had insulating properties. We then used it to build everything, putting it in our construction materials, our roofing, our insulation, and even in fireproof coatings.

The 20th century saw the biggest boom in this material’s usage, seeing it incorporated into everything from our homes to our cars. However, before long, studies emerged linking asbestos to lung diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma. From there, asbestos treatment, surveying, and removal have evolved into a necessary part of the construction industry to protect workers, families, and the general public.

Professional asbestos abatement and removal procedures are essential for safely removing this dangerous material, which is why we at Consultex make identifying asbestos and safely removing it our business – across a plethora of applications.

Asbestos Hazards: How Asbestos Impacts Our Health

One of the most fundamental aspects of our modern-day asbestos knowledge is how it can impact our health. In that vein, we’re exploring a few of the most common ways undetected asbestos or poor asbestos removal can harm workers or building inhabitants.

  • Asbestosis

Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease. As you might be able to guess from its name, the core cause is from the damaging effects of asbestos.

Essentially, asbestos is incredibly fibrous, and the fibres are very delicate, meaning they flake off and are easy to inhale. These tiny fibres cause lung scarring when inhaled, resulting in persistent coughing and reduced lung function, eventually resulting – in severe cases – in death.

  • Lung Cancer

Over a long period of time, exposure to asbestos can sharply increase the risk of developing lung cancer (particularly in people who smoke). It’s sometimes hard to pin down the root cause, as the cancer typically doesn’t manifest until years after the initial exposure.

There is also a type of cancer linked exclusively to asbestos exposure called mesothelioma. It is aggressive and challenging to treat, often prompting a poor life expectancy.

It’s crucial to note that the health effects of asbestos exposure are strongly dose-dependent. This means the effects relate to the intensity and duration of exposure. Some individuals may develop these diseases; some may not.

However, the safest attitude is that it’s essential to prevent further asbestos exposure by identifying and properly managing materials containing asbestos as they are being removed.

Asbestos Safely Regulations: The Keys to Safely Handling Asbestos

  • Survey and Testing

If you suspect the presence of asbestos, it’s essential to test samples using an accredited laboratory that is equipped and qualified to handle asbestos safely.

If the tests confirm the presence of asbestos, from there, it’s the role of a company like ours to conduct a thorough survey. These surveys help to identify where in the building all the asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are so that they can be contained or safely removed. We call this an asbestos management plan.

  • Minimise Disturbance

Asbestos is an incredibly delicate material. As we mentioned, the fibres are very easy to inhale, causing ongoing lung damage and scarring once they are embedded in the lungs.

To that end, it’s essential to minimise disturbances when asbestos is being removed. The procedure must be conducted gently and with the utmost care, and it’s likely that occupants will need to move out of rooms or structures for the duration of the treatment.

  • Appropriate PPE

To that point, it’s also vital to wear the appropriate PPE when asbestos is being removed. Respiratory protection and protective clothing help prevent the inhalation of asbestos fibres and prevent skin contact.

This article has just scratched the surface of what’s important to know when you potentially have asbestos in your building or site. However, the most important point we can make here is never to attempt to remove it yourself. Always call a qualified, professional team that can safely dispose of the material in a way that won’t jeopardise anyone’s health.

If you’re concerned about the possibility of ACMs in your environment or site, the team at Consultex can safely help with surveying, testing, and safely handling the material.  

Ready to prioritise asbestos safety regulations in your projects?

At Consultex, we take asbestos hazards seriously. Contact Consultex today for expert guidance on asbestos safety and to ensure a secure and compliant environment.

drone inspection

Unlocking Benefits of Drone Footage in HAZMAT

Unlocking Benefits of Drone Footage in HAZMAT

Advancing technology has opened up many different fields, and HAZMAT assessment is one of them. Drones have become increasingly prevalent across the industry spectrum, helping teams safely approach hazardous, time-consuming, or expensive tasks.

At Consultex, that’s why we offer HAZMAT drone services to NZ teams looking to explore and survey potentially hazardous environments while maximising safety.

If you’re considering using this technology for your next site assessment, there’s a lot to know here. From enhanced safety to longitudinal environmental monitoring, there are many ways drone footage can enhance your team’s efforts. In this blog post, we’re reviewing five key benefits of incorporating drone technology into your HAZMAT projects.

  • Enhanced Safety

When it comes to HAZMAT projects, there is nothing more important than safety. Surveying, collecting, and examining potentially hazardous materials is fundamentally risky. With recent advancements and the right team at hand, drones can help minimise these risks by reducing the need for workers to enter hazardous zones.

While this may have been a restrictive medium years ago, modern drone technology provides the capability for high-resolution images and videos. Therefore, drones are able to survey areas and collect essential data without potentially endangering human workers.

This is especially helpful in situations where sites have possible chemical leaks, fires, or other hazardous incidents in progress. When dealing with volatile situations, the enhanced situational awareness offered by specialised drones is a real game-changer.

  • Improved Efficiency

Due to the care that must be shown to keep workers safe, traditional HAZMAT surveillance methods require a lot of time and energy. Rightly so. However, some situations require quicker data collection methods, especially those that are in difficult-to-access areas. While we’ve collectively developed HAZMAT procedures that allow for efficiency, drones are often much more efficient.

Drones fly over HAZMAT sites, literally rising above areas with challenging terrain that might stop humans in their tracks. From there, the drones – controlled by a qualified HAZMAT expert – quickly capture relevant imagery and data.

Not only is this generally faster, but it also allows for more frequent assessments. Teams can also go in and out without having to don and decontaminate PPE over and over again. This is one of the primary benefits we notice when providing HAZMAT drone services in NZ.

  • Precise Data Accuracy

When making decisions in HAZMAT projects, it’s critical that all environmental data is as accurate as possible. For these decision-makers, drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, LIDAR technology, and other sensors are a major asset. This is the kind of tool that can offer a very detailed view of the hazardous environment.

In fact, with the right advanced software on hand, the data collected by drones can be processed into 3D models and maps of anything on site. With these digital representations of the HAZMAT site, your team can gain a better understanding of the layout or potential risks and plan ahead for them.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions

As with any ongoing project, cost is a major factor. Hiring enough personnel to map a HAZMAT site safely can be costly, not to mention adding on the necessary equipment. From initial site surveys to ongoing monitoring, drones are a great way to save on cost.

They are incredibly cost-effective, as they require much less manpower and have a faster turnaround than equipping individual staff. They also happen to be very versatile, reducing the need to hire expensive specialist equipment.

Drones also bring the world of remote working to site surveillance. Specialists can work off-site, conducting assessments without anyone needing to pay travel expenses.

  • Environmental Monitoring

When and where appropriate, environmental monitoring can also be about longevity. Longitudinal environmental studies are time-intensive, expensive, and prone to human error. After all, they’re about monitoring environmental impacts and changes over time, which requires prolonged and detailed attention that can lapse.

That’s where drones come in. Drone footage and the accompanying software make surveying and comparing aspects of the environment much easier. A smaller team can take care of the monitoring, and it takes much less time. But why is this so important?

Environmental monitoring is a powerful preventative measure. While dealing with issues after they happen is important, stopping them before they even occur is much better. With regular check-ins via drone, teams can take corrective action quickly when something feels out of place, helping to minimise the impact of HAZMAT incidents on the area.

In summary, leveraging the power of drone footage allows HAZMAT professionals to enhance almost every aspect of their work. From cost efficiency to data accuracy, this is an incredibly worthwhile avenue to pursue.

We’ve been in the business of safe and efficient environmental monitoring for many years. Drone footage and photography is one of our most advanced surveillance methods, and we’re proud to offer it to teams looking to upgrade their HAZMAT protocols.

Elevate your HAZMAT projects with aerial precision

Curious if your project is right for our HAZMAT drone services in NZ? Contact Consultex today and unlock the full potential of drone footage for safer and smarter solutions.